Alex Dakota wrote an article about me recently and I thought it gave some insight into my life and career. So I have decided to publish it on my blog as well. If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment. At some point in our lives, we will stand upon the threshold of a “fork in the road” of life. These “forks” provide us opportunities to take a less-known path towards new and exciting adventures. Taking our first step into the unknown is thrilling and intimidating. Without taking that first step, we would fail to grow in life. Wayne Emerson Gregory Jr . took that first step into making a change in careers. His story is inspiring for those of us who are stuck at the fork in the road in our own lives, afraid to move forward. Wayne relied on his faith to take a new path in life towards a whole new career and a new Wayne! Just Who is Wayne Emerson Gregory Jr.? We all have a story to tell about what prompted a change in our lives and how we clung to the fact ...