It’s Wayne Emerson Gregory again!
- Use
the right sunscreen for your skin type.
It doesn’t take much time for the sun to ravage your skin. Ultraviolet
light can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes, and exposure to the sun
is a significant cause of skin cancer. Sunscreen will protect your vulnerable
skin from excessive amounts of sunshine. The American Academy of Dermatology
recommends a sunscreen with an SBT (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 30.
Higher SBF numbers mean better protection. If you have fair skin, sunscreen is
doubly essential. Even on overcast days, wear your sunscreen. Even when it’s
cloudy, approximately 80% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays can break through and
do horrific damage to the thin membrane that protects your internal body parts.
- Regularly
exfoliate your pores.
Sweating, pollution, high humidity, and harsh chemicals clog
up your pores. If you want to unclog them so they can breathe, you’ll need to
regularly exfoliate your skin
- Frequently
moisturize your skin.
During the scorching days of summer, allow yourself the
luxury of pampering your skin with a daily moisturizing routine. There are so
many things in the warmer months that conspire to rob your skin of its
essential moisture. These include unrelenting summer heat, exposure to harsh
pool chemicals, and the caustic effects of saltwater.
- Drink
plenty of fluids.
For radiantly healthy skin, drink plenty of fluids during
the warmer months. This will not only keep your skin hydrated, but it will also
flush unhealthy toxins from your cells. You can eat hydrating fruits and
vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, and oranges.
- Avoid
the sun between 10 AM and 2 PM.
This is when the sun’s rays are most intense, so there’s the
highest risk of sunburn during this time. If you must venture out during these
hours, sit under an umbrella or seek shade underneath a tree.
- Don’t
go outside without sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection.
Wearing adequate eye protection dramatically reduces the
risk of cataracts. It also protects the delicate skin around your eyes because
they filter out harmful ultraviolet light.
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